Publication Quality Forensic Science ReportsTwo Options
The truth is of little value if it is not presented in a clear and convincing manner. Indeed, the truth, poorly presented, can be counterproductive to fair resolution of matters in question.
We offer two report options:
• Summary Reports for undisputed claims.
• Full Reports for disputed claims where appraisal, arbitration or litigation may result.
Our Summary Reports simply state the facts developed in the investigation and the conclusions we draw from them, and save significant expense. If necessary afterward, a Summary Report can be expanded to a Full Report.
Our Full Reports are educational documents for non-technical readers and their purpose is to allow the reader to independently reach our professional conclusions. We do this by presenting precise test and measurement data in clear and understandable format, high quality photographs imbedded in the report with full descriptions of what they show, and professionally written text that ties it all together. Where needed, Full Reports address the claims and conclusions drawn by others and explain why they are either correct or in error.